detox – Detox templates

This module is an XIST namespace. It provides a simple template language based on processing instructions embedded in XML or plain text.

The following example is a simple “Hello, World” type template:

from ll.xist.ns import detox

template = """
<?def helloworld(n=10)?>
   <?for i in range(n)?>
      Hello, World!
   <?end for?>
<?end def?>

module = detox.xml2mod(template)

print "".join(module.helloworld())
class ll.xist.ns.detox.expr[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Embed the value of the expression

class ll.xist.ns.detox.code[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Embed the PI data literally in the generated code.

For example <?code foo = 42?> will put the statement foo = 42 into the generated Python source.

class ll.xist.ns.detox.if_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Starts an if block. An if block can contain zero or more elif_ blocks, followed by zero or one else_ block and must be closed with an end PI.

For example:

<?code import random?>
<?code n = random.choice("123?")?>
<?if n == "1"?>
<?elif n == "2"?>
<?elif n == "3"?>
   Something else
<?end if?>
class ll.xist.ns.detox.elif_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Starts an elif block.

class ll.xist.ns.detox.else_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Starts an else block.

class ll.xist.ns.detox.def_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Start a function (or method) definition. A function definition must be closed with an end PI.


<?def persontable(persons)?>
         <th>first name</th>
         <th>last name</th>
      <?for person in persons?>
            <td><?textexpr person.firstname?></td>
            <td><?textexpr person.lastname?></td>
      <?end for?>
<?end def?>

If the generated function contains output (i.e. if there is text content or expr, textexpr or attrexpr PIs before the matching end) the generated function will be a generator function.

Output outside of a function definition will be ignored.

class ll.xist.ns.detox.class_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Start a class definition. A class definition must be closed with an end PI.


<?class mylist(list)?>
   <?def output(self)?>
         <?for item in self?>
            <li><?textexpr item?></li>
   <?end def?>
<?end class?>
class ll.xist.ns.detox.for_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Start a for loop. A for loop must be closed with an end PI.

For example:

   <?for i in range(10)?>
      <li><?expr str(i)?></li>
   <?end for?>
class ll.xist.ns.detox.while_[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Start a while loop. A while loop must be closed with an end PI.

For example:

<?code i = 0?>
   <?while True?>
      <li><?expr str(i)?><?code i += 1?></li>
      <?code if i > 10: break?>
   <?end while?>
class ll.xist.ns.detox.end[source]

Bases: ProcInst

Ends a while_ or for_ loop or a if_, def_ or class_ block.