UL4 – A templating language

ll.ul4c provides templating for XML/HTML as well as any other text-based format. A template defines placeholders for data output and basic logic (like loops and conditional blocks), that define how the final rendered output will look.

ll.ul4c compiles a template to an internal format, which makes it possible to implement renderers for these templates in multiple programming languages.


Apart from this Python implementation there are implementations for Java (both a compiler and renderer) and Javascript (renderer only).

In the template source any text surrounded by <? and ?> is a “template tag”. The first word inside the tag is the tag type. It defines what the tag does. For example <?print foo?> is a print tag (it prints the value of the variable foo). A complete example template looks like this:

<?if data?>
      <?for item in data?>
         <li><?print xmlescape(item)?></li>
      <?end for?>
<?end if?>

A complete Python program that compiles a template and renders it might look like this:

from ll import ul4c

code = '''
   <?if data?>
         <?for item in data?>
            <li><?print item?></li>
         <?end for?>
   <?end if?>

template = ul4c.Template(code)

print(template.renders(data=["Python", "Java", "Javascript", "PHP"]))

The variables that should be available to the template code can be passed to the method renders() as keyword arguments. renders() returns the final rendered output as a string. Alternatively the method render() can be used, which is writes the output to a text stream.

For more information see the following chapters: