
A module is an object that collects a number of constants, functions and types under a common name. Also a module always has the attributes __name__ and __doc__.


The operator module contains the type attrgetter. The object attrgetter(n) is callable and when called with an object a returns as attribute named n. This can be used for sorting objects by their attributes without having to create local templates.

For example

<?print operator.attrgetter('year')(now())()?>

prints 2021.


This module contains constants and functions related to mathematical operations:

  • math.e is the base of the natural logarithm (2.718281828…).

  • math.pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter (3.14159265…).

  • math.tau is 2 * math.pi.

  • The trigonometric function math.cos() return the cosine of it argument (which must be in radians).

  • The trigonometric function math.sin() return the sine of it argument (which must be in radians).

  • The trigonometric function math.tan() return the tangent of it argument (which must be in radians).

  • math.sqrt() which returns the square root of its argument.

  • math.isclose(a, b) returns True if the values a and b are close to each other and False otherwise. Whether or not two values are considered close is determined according to given absolute and relative tolerances (via the keyword arguments rel_tol and abs_tol).


This module contains functions and types for working with ll.ul4on:

  • ul4on.dumps(foo) returns the UL4ON representation of the object foo.

  • ul4on.loads(foo) decodes the UL4ON string foo and returns the resulting object.

  • ul4on.Encoder(indent) creates an encoder object that can be used to create multiple UL4ON dump using the same context. An ul4on.Encoder object has a method dumps that creates an UL4ON dump for the passed in object.

  • ul4on.Decoder() creates a decoder object that can be used to recreate objects from multiple UL4ON dumps using the same context. An ul4on.Decoder object has a method loads that recreates an object from the passed in UL4ON dump.


This module contains all the types of the nodes in the abstract syntax tree that comprises an UL4 template. The available types are: TextAST, IndentAST, LineEndAST, CodeAST, ConstAST, SeqItemAST, UnpackSeqItemAST, DictItemAST, UnpackDictItemAST, PositionalArgumentAST, KeywordArgumentAST, UnpackListArgumentAST, UnpackDictArgumentAST, ListAST, ListComprehensionAST, SetAST, SetComprehensionAST, DictAST, DictComprehensionAST, GeneratorExpressionAST, VarAST, BlockAST, ConditionalBlocksAST, IfBlockAST, ElIfBlockAST, ElseBlockAST, ForBlockAST, WhileBlockAST, BreakAST, ContinueAST, AttrAST, SliceAST, UnaryAST, NotAST, NegAST, BitNotAST, PrintAST, PrintXAST, ReturnAST, BinaryAST, ItemAST, IsAST, IsNotAST, EQAST, NEAST, LTAST, LEAST, GTAST, GEAST, ContainsAST, NotContainsAST, AddAST, SubAST, MulAST, FloorDivAST, TrueDivAST, ModAST, ShiftLeftAST, ShiftRightAST, BitAndAST, BitXOrAST, BitOrAST, AndAST, OrAST, IfAST, ChangeVarAST, SetVarAST, AddVarAST, SubVarAST, MulVarAST, FloorDivVarAST, TrueDivVarAST, ModVarAST, ShiftLeftVarAST, ShiftRightVarAST, BitAndVarAST, BitXOrVarAST, BitOrVarAST, CallAST, RenderAST, RenderXAST, RenderBlockAST, RenderBlocksAST, SignatureAST, Template and TemplateClosure.

The only callable type in this list is Template which can be used to create an UL4 template from source. Its signature is



ul4.Template is not callable in the Javascript version of UL4.


This module contains the following types and functions:

color.Color(r=0, g=0, b=0, a=255)

Return a color object with the red component r, the green component g, the blue component b and the alpha (opacity) component a. All values must be integers in the range 0 to 255. Float values will be rounded to integers and values out of range will be clipped to the allowed range.

color.css(value, default)

Return a color object for the CSS color specification value. If value can’t be interpreted as a CSS color, default will be returned if given, otherwise an exception will be raised.


Calculates a weighted mix of the colors from values. Items in values are either colors or weights. The following example mixes two parts black with one part white:

<?print color.mix(2, #000, 1, #fff)?>

which will print:
