Source code for ll.xist.ns.atom

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, always_allow_keywords=True

## Copyright 2007-2024 by LivingLogic AG, Bayreuth/Germany
## Copyright 2007-2024 by Walter Dörwald
## All Rights Reserved
## See ll/xist/ for the license

This namespace module implements Atom 1.0 as specified by :rfc:`4287`.

from ll.xist import xsc, sims
from ll.xist.ns import html

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

xmlns = ""

[docs] class feed(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`feed` element is the document (i.e., top-level) element of an Atom Feed Document, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the feed. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class entry(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`entry` element represents an individual entry, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the entry. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class content(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`content` element either contains or links to the content of the :class:`entry`. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass class src(xsc.URLAttr): pass
[docs] class author(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`author` element indicates the author of the :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class category(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`category` element conveys information about a category associated with an :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class term(xsc.TextAttr): required = True class scheme(xsc.URLAttr): pass class label(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class contributor(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`contributor` element indicates a person or other entity who contributed :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class generator(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`generator` element's content identifies the agent used to generate a feed, for debugging and other purposes. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class uri(xsc.URLAttr): pass class version(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class icon(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`icon` element's content is an IRI reference that identifies an image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class id(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`id` element conveys a permanent, universally unique identifier for an :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class published(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`published` element indicatesg an instant in time associated with an event early in the life cycle of the :class:`entry`. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class rights(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`rights` element contains text that conveys information about rights held in and over an :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class source(xsc.Element): """ If an :class:`entry` is copied from one :class:`feed` into another :class:`feed`, then the source :class:`feed`'s metadata (all child elements of :class:`feed` other than the :class:`entry` elements) may be preserved within the copied entry by adding a :class:`source` child element, if it is not already present in the :class:`entry`, and including some or all of the source :class:`feed`'s Metadata elements as the :class:`source` element's children. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class subtitle(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`subtitle` element contains text that conveys a human-readable description or subtitle for a :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class summary(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`summary` element contains text that conveys a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of an entry. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class title(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`title` element contains text that conveys a human-readable title for an :class:`entry` or :class:`feed`. """ xmlns = xmlns class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class type(xsc.TextAttr): pass
[docs] class updated(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`updated` element contains a date indicating the most recent instant in time when an :class:`entry` or :class:`feed` was modified in a way the publisher considers significant. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class email(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`email` element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class uri(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`uri` element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person. """ xmlns = xmlns
[docs] class name(xsc.Element): """ The :class:`name` element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person. """ xmlns = xmlns
link.model = \ category.model = sims.Empty() content.model = sims.ElementsOrText(html.div) source.model = sims.ElementsOrText(author, category, contributor, generator, icon, id, link, logo, rights, subtitle, title, updated) feed.model = sims.Elements(author, category, contributor, generator, icon, logo, id, link, rights, subtitle, title, updated, entry) entry.model = sims.Elements(author, category, content, contributor, id, link, published, rights, source, summary, title, updated) contributor.model = \ author.model = sims.Elements(name, uri, email) title.model = \ summary.model = \ subtitle.model = \ rights.model = sims.ElementsOrText(html.div) updated.model = \ published.model = \ logo.model = \ id.model = \ icon.model = \ generator.model = \ email.model = \ uri.model = \ name.model = sims.NoElements()